De-Phazz `The Mambo Craze – Complete Story`

The album `The Mambo Craze – Complete Story` is a complete review and current album of the hit song `The Mambo Craze`. The track appeared on the album “Godsdog”, released in 1999, and quickly became a hit. The band De-Phazz laid the foundations for a new genre that did not yet exist – jazzy sounds and samples processed with digital and analogue technology to create a relaxed sound that was later subsumed under the term lounge. The De-Phazz collective, headed by mastermind Pit Baumgartner, worked tirelessly and continued to release great songs – such as ‘No Jive’, ‘Jazz Music’ and ‘Cut the Jazz’! The Mambo Craze has become a blueprint for many of the bands in this genre. Dance with me George!

De-Phazz `The Mambo Craze – Complete Story`

VÖ: 30. Aug 2024
Label: Phazz-A-Delic, 2024



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