Female Future
„FemaleFuture“ is the name of the this compilation with 15 female artists from 7 countries (Germany, Japan, Lithuania, Romania, Hungary, USA), who produced these 12 mainly unreleased tracks together with different artists.
„FemaleFuture“ is also meant symbolically for how women arrange the future: “to shape the future” as regards to this compilation doesn’t mean a futuristic „Science-Fiction“-scenario, but is a result of the artists’ impulses of their present ideas, visions & feelings, which they express by their musical works as a reflection of positive living and self-awareness.
The music selection of the „FemaleFuture“-CD is more “living life music” instead of “lounge limited”: whether during breakfast, at the swimming pool or at the beach, on the way to work, driving car or riding by bicyle, or midnight discussions with friends sitting at open windows in sweltry summer nights … this Compilation reflects different facets of life unstrained from different (female) perspectives.
At „FemaleFuture“ 15 females speak/sing about everyday life, adventures, poetry, sex, love – life …

Album: Female Future
Artist: V.A. (Compilation)
Genre: adult pop / pop, lounge, jazz
Kat.Nr.: 0503.1.009
EAN: 4260082360096
Label: Phazz-a-delic
Distribution: Soulfood
Release: Anfang April 2005
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